Sunday, May 16, 2010

Energy Usage

For a 24 hour time period I use the following amount of energy:
Air conditioning: 24 hours
Television: It is plugged in for all 24 hours and I use it for no more than 90 minutes per day
Cell phone Charger: plugged in 24 hours, use 1 hour per day
Hot water heater for shower: 10-15 minutes
Flat Iron: 0
Laptop computer: Plugged in for 5-7 hours per day
Computer Printer: Plugged in for 24 hours, use 20 minutes
Computer Speakers: Plugged in 24 hours, use 30 minutes
Light: 4 hours
2. Meter Reading: As throughout the year I reside in the dorms, I am only aware of the amount of energy that my building utilizes and that is 2115 kWh on average.
3. Florida Power and Lights is the power company that is used, and they generate electricity through their 71,500 mile interconnected power-line network that consists of small and large power lines. They are able to read how much energy is being used by looking at the power meter.
4. After looking at the above data, I use so much electricity and fuel! I’m sure as my fellow classmates complete this exercise, they will be shocked as to how much electricity and fuel they are all actually using. My biggest downfall of sustainable choices is my choice to leave everything plugged in at all times and this is because of time constraints and laziness. I think the biggest problem is since many of us do not pay our own electric bills living in the dorms, we simply do not care about it. I do however try to not leave the lights on when I leave or turn them off when they are unnecessary but sometimes things are beyond your control. I think in the future as I will be paying my own bills, I will be a lot more cautious of the energy that I use. As this class is designed to better inform us, I hope we will all make the necessary changes in order to live more sustainably.

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